Hazard Mitigation planning is the process used to identify risks and vulnerabilities associated with natural disasters and to develop long-term strategies for protecting people and property in future hazard events.  The process results in a mitigation plan that offers a strategy for breaking the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage and a framework for developing feasible and cost effective mitigation projects. You may read the current and past Hazard Mitigation Plan by clicking on the links below.


Hazard Mitigation Plan 2021

Hazard Mitigation Plan 2015

Hazard Mitigation Plan 2008

Faulkner County Office of Emergency Management

Our purpose is to prepare and protect Faulkner County citizens and their property from the effects of natural, man-made, and technological disasters.

We accomplish this by communication, cooperation, and coordination.  We conduct ourselves professionally, maintain fiscal conservatism, and provide transparency within our agency.



Courthouse Closings